Cain and abel offering commentary on the books

The bible does not actually say specifically whether such sacrifices had been commanded by god, or whether the practice arose merely as a spontaneous expression of thanksgiving and worship. Cain thought god was unfair to him by rejecting his sacrifice. We do not know how god expressed his rejection, but it was evident. The birth, employment, and religion of cain and abel. When abel came for worship, it was by faith that he brought his offering, the fat portions from some of. Our sermon ideas on cain and abel will help you preach a powerful message. The author of hebrews contrasts the two sacrifices, by faith abel brought god a better offering than cain did. And jehovah had respect unto abel and to his offering. But on cain and his offering the lord did not look with favor. It is this faith that is in view throughout hebrews 11.

In fact, not one word is recorded from living abel. Henry morris, one of the founders of the modern creation movement, speculates on why cain s offering was rejected. In the course of time, cain brought an offering to the lord from the fruit of the soil. Cain feared that in his exile he could be killed by anyone, so. Well, we come to our time in the word of god and, as always, this takes us, as it were, into the divine presence and we hear god himself speak to us. Abel story, a part of the books of moses, neither sin offering nor guilt. As abels example proves, true worshipers will give the first and best of their time, money, and possessions to god. He was very angry that god accepted abels offering, but did not accept his. But the better explanation for why scripture tells us their professions is that.

The narrative of the curse of cain is found in the text of genesis 4. What do you learn about god from the narrative of cain and abel. Vainly do we assume our devotion is acceptable if it is done without faith. In the case of abel, the word of god that he heard is most likely what god spoke to adam and eve. Moses and david were both shepherds, and our lord called himself the good sheperd. God was pleased with abel s offering of a lamb, but not with cain s offering from his harvest. Cain, a farmer, became enraged when the lord accepted the offering of his brother abel, a shepherd, in preference to his own. And cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell gen. The new testament is by far our best commentary on this chapter and. So cain became very angry and his countenance fell. Thus, living faith is belief in god that keeps the commandments. After abels murder, adam and eve beget another son, seth.

Now join me in the fifth and final onechapter books in the bible. Abel, on his part also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of their fat portions. The lord looked with favor on abel and his offering, but on cain and his offering he did not look with favor. Why did god accept abels offering but reject cains. When cain saw that his offering was rejected, he was angry with the lord and with abel. Cain and abel childrens sunday school lesson purpose. Cain spoke to his brother likely as a friend, to decieve him, and lure him into the field to kill him.

Abel was murdered, even though he lived a pleasing life before god. Yet we later see grain offerings as perfectly acceptable to god. But the author of hebrews says that, through abels faith, though he died, he still speaks hebrews 11. By faith abel offered unto god a more excellent sacrifice than cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous, god testifying of his gifts. They grow up into big sheep, and so abel soon has a whole flock of sheep to watch over. But the author of hebrews says that, through abel s faith, though he died, he still speaks hebrews 11. They received this as a part of the pentateuch, the first five books of the bible. While the torah leaves this outraged response to its reader, it does not leave cains question unanswered. Genesis 4 new revised standard version nrsv cain murders abel.

You can read more indepth bible verses from the scripture below and use the articles and videos to understand the meaning behind this teachable event in the bible. When god shows disappointment in cains sacrifice and pleasure in abels, cain kills abel. A twentydollar bill or something comparable intro activity. The story of cain and abel in genesis 4 tells much more about cain than abel. Qabil, habil were sons of adam and eve in the biblical book of. In the course of time cain brought an offering to the lord from the fruit of the ground, while abel, for his part, brought the fatty portion of the firstlings of his flock. When cain spilled his brothers blood, the earth became cursed as soon as the blood hit the ground. And by faith abel still speaks, even though he is dead hebrews 11. Mankinds first murderer, a weary cain contemplates the death of his brother, abel, who lies face down at right in this 1944 painting by the germanborn artist georg grosz. He murdered abel and was banished by the lord from the settled country. We know that god had revealed to cain an abel the way he desired to be worshipped, as well. Cain and abel were the first and second sons of adam and eve.

Cain and abels names after god told eve that she would conceive of a son that would crush the head of the serpent satan mentioned in genesis 3. It appears that this was a freewill offering to god, showing gratitude for his blessings. A hypocrite may possibly hear as many sermons, say as many prayers, and give as much alms, as a good christian, and yet, for want of sincerity, come short of acceptance with god. The sacrifice was accepted for the man, and not the man for the sacrifice ainsworth.

By faith he was commended as righteous, when god spoke well of his offerings. Book of hebrews stresses the fact that abel offered a more excellent sacrifice than cain. A thoughtful consideration of the story of cain and abel yields some interesting. Scholars struggle with the next line that states, the lord looked with favor on abel and his offering, but on cain and his offering he did not look. Now abel was a keeper of sheep, and cain a tiller of the ground. Why did god accept abels offering and reject cains. By faith abel offered to god a better sacrifice than cain, through which he obtained the testimony that he was righteous, god testifying about his gifts, and through faith, though he is dead, he still speaks.

Cains offering was the effort of dead religion, while abels offering was made in faith, in a desire to worship god in spirit and in truth. The curse was the result of cain murdering his brother, abel, and lying about the murder to god. The lord looked with favor on abel and his offering, and it was accepted. Cain brought a sacrifice, but god would not accept it because it did not meet his standards. By faith abel offered up a more excellent sacrifice than cain hebrews 11. In a sense, the earth was left drinking abels blood. Lord regards both abel and his offering but does not regard either cain or. This is a summary on the biblical account of brothers cain and abel. God knows the number of hairs on our heads luke 12. Man avenging death penalty for killing revenge marks on people revenge, and retaliation. He gave his firstborn sheep, which he loved, and gave it to god.

Philo, assuming the whole matter from the absence of mention of firstfruits in the genesis text, characterizes cain as keeping the firstlings of. Abel became a herder of flocks, and cain a tiller of the ground. When cain and abel, the first two sons of adam and eve, presented their. Both cain and abel came to worship before the lord, both brought a. The elder boy bit till he drew blood, but abel merely imprinted a long lingering kiss on his mothers arm. Cains wicked heart, manifested more clearly in his murder of abel, is first observable in his formal yet faithless worship 1 john 3. Cain, in the bible hebrew bible, or old testament, firstborn son of adam and eve, who murdered his brother abel genesis 4. While abels offering showed his complete submission to god, cains hints at grudging worship of god and that done in his own way. Cain killed abel after a quarrel over a sacrifice to god. In his landmark book the genesis record, the late dr. U cassuto, a commentary on the book of genesis jerusalem magnes, 1961 1. God was pleased with abels offering of a lamb, but not with cains offering from his harvest. Cains response apparently the rejection of cains offering was a public event. This is interesting because the book of hebrews states that the blood of jesus.

Genesis 4 bible commentary matthew henry concise christianity. The text is silent regarding anything wrong with the quality or type of cains offering. The lord paid heed to abel and his offering, but to cain and his offering he paid no heed. The story of cains murder of abel and its consequences is told in genesis 4. Cain, we are told, became a tiller of the ground, a farmer. The new testaments commentary on this passage offers us some insight. The lord offered cain an opportunity to repent, but cain denied knowing where abel was, as if. Abel was a shepherd, a profession often referred to for men of great passion for god. The writer to the hebrews clearly explained why the offering of abel was accepted and the offering of cain was rejected.

The story of cain and abel is one of sibling rivalry and murder. Cains was only a sacrifice of acknowledgment offered to the creator. Use this cain and abel childrens sunday school lesson to teach kids about jealousy and giving their best to god. Cain brought fruits of the soil, and abel brought fat portions from some of the firstborn of his flock. Genesis 4 commentary matthew henry commentary on the. It is clear that the offering was to be a substitutionary atonement, because we read in hebrews 11. Old testament scholarship to help you understand this important book.

She said, with the help of the lord i have brought forth a man. Study the bible online using commentary on genesis 4 and more. At the close of cains story, the torah recounts the generations between adam and noah, from which cain is conspicuously absent. This is the bible story and study lesson about cain and abel as told in genesis. Study guide for genesis 4 by david guzik blue letter bible. And the lord had regard for abel and for his offering. The biblical narrative of cain and abel is well known among students of the bible and continues to captivate the imagination of those who seek to understand the issues related to the story of these two brothers, a story that involves mystery, murder, and the issue of personal responsibility. God showed acceptance to abel, rather than cain, because abel made his offering to the lord in faith. Cain and abel in the bible biblical archaeology society. His brother cain brought some of the fruits of the soil as an offering to the lord genesis 4. As to the acceptance of abels offering and the rejection of cains, some have. Cain and abel turkey armenian one day eve called to her cain and abel, who, still little children, were playing on the grass.

The mind becomes a shepherd as abel was, controlling the unreasonable faculties. This 25 verse book is the longest of the one chapter books, yet im afraid its the least known. Prepare your messages about cain and abel with sermon outlines or an entire sermon series. Six lessons from the lives of cain and abel sermon by. As to the acceptance of abels offering and the rejection of cains, some have suggested that there was something wrong in cain bringing a grain offering. She held out to her firstborn her right arm, and to her second son her left, and said, bite them, i command you.